This site ( only uses cookies for logged in users (of which there is only one, me). Therefor no cookies are set for visitors, and no data is shared through cookies or similar technologies.
Server in the EU
All data is securely stored in encrypted form on a server located in Amsterdam under EU jurisdiction. No personally identifiable information is stored.
Cookie-free Matomo for web analytics
The open-source software Matomo is used in a cookie-free server-side configuration.
Cookie audits / scans
June 25th 2024 I ran an audit to ensure document that no cookies are set. June 25th the website was analyzed with Cloudflare Radar, which confirmed the result of the 21st scan – i.e. that no cookies are set.
The Cookieserve tool was used for this. The scan, the results of which can be seen below, confirms that no cookies are set in neither of categories: necessary, analytics, functional, performance, advertisement and other.
Contact: Kasper Bergholt, Eskildsgade 16, DK-1657 Copenhagen | mail: [email protected]