Statue (untitled) placed in the Garden of the Royal Danish Horticultural Society (Haveselskabets Have in Danish), Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.
The statue by Sculptor Henrik Starcke (1899-1973) is placed at one edge of the ‘Mirror Dam’, ‘Spejldammen’ or perhaps rather ‘Spejlsøen’ in Danish.
In terms of composition, the photo is inspired by the front cover of jazz pianist Bill Evans: ‘The Paris Concert Two’ from 1984.
Jacques Derrida on reflections
“There are things like reflecting pools, and images, an infinite reference from one to the other, but no longer a source, a spring. There is no longer any simple origin. For what is reflected it split in itself and not only as an addition to itself of its image. The reflection, the image, the double, splits what it doubles. The origin of the speculation becomes a difference. What can look at itself is not one; and the law of the addition of the origin to its representation, or the thing to its image, is that one plus one makes at least three” (quoted from ‘Of Grammatology’ published in 1967).
Also see: ‘The Time Is Out of Joint’ ~ Shakespeare, Deridda, T.S. Eliot
Related photos
The photo is part of the ‘Flora Excursoria Hafniensis‘ series which I’ve been working on for some time concurrently with ‘Objects for an Ideal Home‘.
A similar composition
The photo on the front cover of the album by Bill Evans (1929-1980) was taken by Eric Hartman and features a similar , but much, much larger, in the park of Château De Sceaux situated around 10 kilometers from the center of Paris.
The back cover contains a portrait taken by Alex Dutilh of Linda Burkinshaw.